Monday, September 15, 2008

Pictures of Late

I just HAD to show you how cute Glorie is today.  This dress was getting a little bit small, so yesterday Liz found these Osh-Kosh pants for $3.99 to act as leggings and stretch the dress out as a dress-shirt for a season more.  My sister is S-M-A-R-T.  One fell swoop made one of the cutest outfits.  Ever.

And, please just let me point out that she is pulling off that hairstyle where you pull the front bangs back.  That one that we all think we can pull off but really just pretend to (by "we" I mean "I"...somehow when I wear my hair like that, it always look somewhat like a fish flopped down on the top of my head)

And here is me soaked after Les Mis.  (And notice I only have one earring in, because I was taking them out when realized that I didn't have any pictures of me from the night!)

And here is the clan reading after church yesterday.  I love these guys.

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