Friday, August 22, 2008

That was Yummy

We had a great night of bratwursts and barbecue and then the McDowells and I went off to get some ice cream. There is this fun place called Crayola Cafe at Crown Center downtown. I have to admit that their limited ice cream flavor selection was a little bit discouraging at first, but I eventually recovered (especially when I found out that the Oreo sundae included Oreo cheesecake). Anyways, the kiddos were uber cute the entire time, and we had a blast.

And then we walked across the street to a free country concert that was part exciting and part unnerving. It was exciting because it was music and the kids' first concert, and it was free. But it was unnerving because there was lots of cigarette smoke, and beer, and cowboy hats (well, the cowboy hats were cool). My mind was going the whole time as we walked past people, "Is that beer? Oh, that's probably beer. That kid looks way too young to be drinking BEER!" and it probably wasn't all beer.

Just having an outing was nice, and for some reason I am greatly looking forward to this weekend. It feels like it's going to be a great weekend of rest and just having fun with my family, instead of getting ready for something or stressing over anything. Suz and OJ have a house, I work with TheCall, and Jesus is going to take care of me. I'm doing great! =)

I'll leave you with one last taste of our night of ice cream. I can't get over these guys!

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