Thursday, September 20, 2007


I'm glad that Ms. Wagner's room is starting to feel a little more like home. The beginning-of-school disease is starting to wear off, and we're all starting to get to know each other more. We should here all take a moment of silence, though, on Ms. Wagner's behalf -- she now has to put up with crazy us every day for the next, oh, 9 months. Oh, and the crazy trips...yes, pity her indeed.


In other news, I have a 2 page English paper to write. And I get to help the fifth and sixth grades with their reading class. So far, I've only done 6th grade, but it has been my pleasure to spare them from doing the questions at the end of the story. I got such rave reviews from one of them yesterday, of how cool a reading teacher I was because I didn't make them do the questions...that I did it again today! =) I felt like I should make them do the questions, but when I looked at them, they were explain-y type questions, like about the main character's character instead of fact questions like "What year was Bobby born?" So, I took pity again, because those sorts of questions are the bane of my existence.

Maybe I should count how many things I have called the bane of my existence.

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