Thursday, March 12, 2009

Live from Nasvhille...

As you may have noticed, I tried to post from Jackson's iPhone on the trip down here.  It didn't quite work, as you also may have noticed, but hey!  at least you knew I was alive.

We just spent the night in Nashville.  Driving in, I got to see the Batman building and was reminded of all the good times of the Nashville missions trip a few years ago.

Me and Katrina had baby duty, and, let's just say babies do not have the same sleep schedule as we do.  Multiple times through the night Katrina just exclaimed in disbelief, and when they woke up around 8 am, I just took Mercy, put her in bed next to me, totally fell asleep while feeding her the bottle, and then she slept in the crook of my arm for the next two hours.  Once she woke up, she slapped her fist into my cheek repeatedly until I got her up and did something different with her.

Another day of driving....not so long this time.  That's good, because, I have long legs and on roadtrips, that's not the best.  To Atlanta we go!  


Kacie said...

haha - we actually had saganaki right after Isaac burned his foot, so when they came out with a flaming dish he didn't think it was as fun as I did... lol. :)

hootenannie said...

We criss-crossed! I was in KC while you were in Nashville!