Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Adventures of the Beach

The ocean is a many splendored thing.  

Argh.  A many splendored thing...I also think about love a lot at the beach.  Let's not all start singing the song. ;)

I like the thought of sticking my earbuds in and walking down the beach, just me and Jesus...I haven't done that yet, but just the thought calms my heart.  There's a big comfy chair on the enclosed veranda here, looking out at the ocean.  It's the perfect size to roll myself up and journal.  You know something is going on when I want to journal -- that's unlike me. Usually I just force myself to write stuff down because I love going back and reading where I've been -- I coerce my hand to write so that my heart can read later.

I went in the pool today after running.  It was lovely, except I felt like any splashes or noise I made would ruin the retirement of the couple laying out next to the water.

I'm not sure what else to tell you except that I can never thank Jesus enough for how good He has been to introducing me to the Bohlenders, and Katrina, and Christina, and Jessica, and everyone else who has become my Kansas City family.  I do realize I am crazy blessed, and you all need to know that YES!  Jesus is this good.

Oh, and, I may try my phone tonight.  I rinsed it out with fresh water (to get the salt out), vacuumed it (the Bell Captain who brought it up to me in the hotel was dubious of how well that could work), let it air out, let it sit in dry rice overnight and do more drying today...I'm hoping it will work but wondring if I should leave it longer...  And yes, I'm praying for it to work too.

1 comment:

Love or Nothing said...

i enjoy reading about your adventures. and i especially love that they involve Jesus. :) i definitely prayed over my computer when it died one morning and it fixed itself.. or rather the Lord fixed it.. so have hope for your phone! haha also, i love that you wrote the Song of Solomon verse in your last post because "You Won't Relent" has been in my head every day this week.

so basically, i'm a fan of your blog.. and you!!