Wednesday, August 29, 2007


A lot of my friends are starting school today. I'm not. I might go shopping for pens for school, though, when Glorie wakes up from her present napping state.

We watched Sense and Sensibility last night.

You know those dorky moments where you remember something you did and you feel...dorky? I think some of it actually has to do with pegging yourself/getting pegged by the enemy with shame; I think it's totally possible to be free of it. But I have to admit that I have those moments...I had some last night, I had it basically all year last year. Anyways, all it takes is giving the whole "dorky" situation to the Lord, whatever it might be, and believe that shame is not yours.

Let's was a productive day. Did some cleaning, Amy made a quiche, we fed Glorie, we played with Glorie, we sang to Glorie.

My new favorite song goes like this: " not...a good emotion."
Note: Glorie looks nothing like this when she is frustrated. This picture just made me laugh. =P

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