Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I Love Him More...

Surrender seems to be the theme of the everyday Christian life.  I know that seems obvious, but...

It's all about loving Him more.  The other day I was thinking about this divine scale that tips between understanding God and what He says, and understanding with eyes of faith things like the Trinity that cannot be described or taken in as mere words.  Specifically, the Bible.  That book is God's very words...explanation of life and death are found in them.  From the world beginning in Genesis to the end of the age in Revelation, the words are perfect.  Perfect and true, yes.  Easy?  No.

There's a spot where your mind and your heart collide.  There's the "common sense" of the world that says you should go one way, but you know the Lord is calling you to walk another.  As humans we seem to have this reflex called control, where if it doesn't make sense or match what we want, then we throw it out.  Think about it...we try to design everything to be as comfortable as possible for us.  

But with God, we can't always understand.  And that is uncomfortable.  Our need to be in control?  Impossible.  Our want to dictate how everything works?  Abolished.  

You can try to understand God, and force it all to "make sense" to your human brain, but that usually leads places like Postmodernism and Agnosticism, not to mention just plain religion.  

As I thought about this issue of people being tripped up by not being able to understand the Bible or not being able to understand God, it came down to this: Love.

I love Him more than I love my right to understand.

Relinquishment for the sake of love.  Isn't that what Jesus did?  

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  --Philippians 2:5-7

And, with His help, we get to do it with our every day -- with all of us.   He is worth it all...every thing we have to give up, every right to control and to understand relinquished -- all of it.  He's worth my all.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I was baking for a girls night group I have and I also wanted to bring some baked goods up to work for the guys who work so hard out in our shop!! your blog is great!!!thanks for stopping bye mine:)