for the past five days. The poor Muffin! Apparently, she's been more fussy than she usually is, but to me, who hasn't spent much time with her, she just seemed like normal baby-fussy-ness of not wanting to go to sleep. And she has smiled so much and had so much fun -- only Liz guessed that she might have an ear infection.
Today I went to Target with my sister to pick up the medicine for Glorie. On the way back, we stopped at a new prayer room that was just opened down the street from Liz and Peter's house. We went into the offices next door and talked to some IHOP staffers and they pointed out a large picture of New York City on the wall. It seemed to be custom-made, like a picture blown up to wall-size on poster-boards. The girl we were talking to told us to check out what was in the picture - pre 9/11. So then Elizabeth brings up that the office we are in used to be an office that was found to be soliciting donations for Al Qaeda...quite something.
So, I guess we are planning on going to some gardens, maybe going to see Ratatouille, and are very, very much planning on getting some jeans.
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