Saturday, July 30, 2005


Today, we went to Ranier! It was such a blessing! The weather was perfect, Ariel was happy mostly, we ate a great picnic lunch and did some hiking around the base! We went about 1.6 miles each way. We stopped to put our feet in a creek. It was cold! The water's from the mountain, melted. It was a lot of fun!
Ranier had been the only extra thing besides the church, people, and the family in my mind that I wanted to do, coming here! Now we have done it!
Praise Jesus! He made it so beautiful!

"For you shall go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing,
and all the treses of the field shall clap
their hands."
Isaiah 55:12
(there were a lot of trees :)
To be able to walk through there resting in the peace of the Lord, and then also to receive this gift of just plain having fun! He has made something beautiful and it is definitely another work to praise Him for! How much greater, though, is the work He has done in us and for us! He loves us!
Yes, He is the giver of joy and the Prince of Peace. Joy ,as well as peace, is one of the fruits of the Spirit, and if we are believers, we are promised the Holy Spirit!
God bless you all!
Psalm 90:2"Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God."

Friday, July 29, 2005

Just the Beginning

Hello, Friends!
How are you all? Filled with joy, I hope! Jesus is Good.
I have two more weeks in Tacoma! It can be really sad but also exciting at the prospect of being back in Chicago. It's sad because I love love love the people here and the church here! I've made so many new friends that I never want to lose contact with. The Lord has done so much and is going to do so much, I know! He has taken me through just trusting Him with the timing because He is ordering my steps and whatever plan He has for me is the best! I so look forward to being back with you all and telling you about what Jesus has done!!! I have to trust Him that He will have me equipped to His degree when He takes me back and that He will keep on working and the Holy Spirit will work inside me, too.
God bless all of you!!!
Taking back ground that will never be stolen again in Jesus' Name,